Daily Hacks

Welcome! Here you can find my daily hacks that I share via my socials. They are random and not necessarily in any specific order! Follow me on Instagram @ladylifehack so you can be first to know of my daily hacks!

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June 23, 2020

Letโ€™s face it. Jewelry can get really gross and dull. You might not even realize how much until itโ€™s finally clean! Keep reading to learn how I use on simple ingredient to clean my jewelry! No expensive cleaners, no trips to the jeweler and my ring always come out so sparkly and shiny! ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’
Let me know in the comments if your jewelry is in need of a good

*This has been a safe method of cleaning various types of jewelry. If youโ€™re ever concerned, please contact your local jeweler to ensure this will not harm material

To clean jewelry:

1. Put a drop of dawn in a little dish

2. Fill with hot water so that it gets a little sudsy

3. Drop in jewelry and let it soak for 5-10 minutes

4. Remove carefully, rinse and dry. Tip: You can also use a really soft bristle brush (baby tooth brush works great) to knock off any extra dirt or grime

5. Put jewelry on and admire the sparkle โ‡๏ธ

June 19, 2020 – Pots and Pans Organization

I lived for so many years with my pots and pans simply stacked or shoved into a cabinet. It was a pain to get the one I needed, let alone finding space to keep all of the lids, finding space to stack all of the pots and pans without their lids, ugh, it was just chaos. A few years ago I discovered these organizers. One for the lids, and one for the pans. This has made our lives SO much easier. You can configure them differently, as you’ll notice the stock image for this product shows storing the pots and pans up and down instead of side-to-side. This way just worked better for how our cabinets were configured! The pots and pans organizer even comes with the option to mount them to your cabinet so that it doesn’t slide or fall over when you take your pots and pans in and out.

There are several other ways you can use these products. You can use them for organizing cutting boards or baking sheets, cook books, etc.

These products are truly amazing! You can make a major difference in your kitchen organization with this low cost solution.

If youโ€™re interested in my Lagostina Copper pots and pans (which are AMAZING), you can find them here!

Leave me a comment below and let me know if you needed this organization hack for your pots and pans! ๐Ÿ’œ

June 15, 2020 – Burnt on Food

Burnt on food! Donโ€™t spend your time and muscle๐Ÿ’ช scrubbing burnt on food for what feels like FOREVER after dinner! Instead, use this simple hack that will save you so much time and effort. โ€ข
While your pan or pot is still hot, fill it with water and place it back on the burner while on low. 5 minutes later, the burnt on food easily wipes right up. No scrubbing needed! โ€ข
Swipe to see before and a video of the process! โ€ข
Let me know in the comments if you think this will help make your cleanup a breeze! ๐Ÿ’œ

If youโ€™re interested in my pots and pans (which are AMAZING), you can find them here!

June 13, 2020 – Baby/Pet Gate

If you have kiddos ๐Ÿ‘ถ and/or dogs ๐Ÿถ , youโ€™re probably familiar with the need for safety gates! However, they can be quite ugly. Instead of buying your typical baby gate for the steps leading to our basement, my husband built this cute โ€œfarmhouseโ€ gate. It was simple to do and cost about the same as a buying a gate. โ€ข
*We had a chain lock on the other side of the gate so the kids could not open it without a grownup*
Let me know what you think in the comments below! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

June 12, 2020 – Fresh Prep

Have you ever wanted to bring something to a gathering but felt that it might not be fresh by the time you go there to serve it? This is my hack for showing up to a party with the freshest food!

Guacamole ๐Ÿฅ‘ is the ultimate party snack. Am I right, or am I right? ๐Ÿ˜… However, we all know that the best guac is a fresh guac! To make sure that itโ€™s fresh, I portion everything into little bags, and pack it the bowl. Once I arrive, I put all of the ingredients together! Simple!

You can do this with anything that is best fresh instead of pre-made!

If youโ€™re looking for a great guac recipe, look no further. Itโ€™s simple and delish ๐Ÿ˜‹

Ingredients (makes enough for 6 – 8)

– 4 avocados

– most of a med red onion – diced small

– 1 jalapeรฑo – seeded and minced

– 1 tomato – diced

– half – 3/4 lime – for juice. This is to taste

– 2 tbsp cilantro – chopped

– salt to taste

Lightly mash Avocado into a bowl (it will continue to mash when mixing in ingredients so to avoid overly mushy guac, donโ€™t over mash). Stir in onion, tomato, jalapeno, and cilantro. Once combined, add sat and lime juice to taste. #ProTip: you can always add more salt but you canโ€™t take it away, taste as you go!


Let me know in the comments below if you tried this recipe ๐Ÿ’œ

June 11, 2020 – b.tanned AF

b.tan – tanned AF. Let me tell you this stuff is amazing! And so inexpensive. You donโ€™t need a $50 or $100 self tanner. This stuff is only $14 on Amazon and if you can find it at your local Walmart itโ€™s only $10!!

This bottle is almost empty and has lasted several months of consistent tanning. Iโ€™ve also never had issues with streaking ๐Ÿ˜Ž

If you want to check it out, click here

June 9, 2020 – Amazing Stainless Steel Cleaner

I don’t know about you, but my kitchen doesn’t quite feel clean until my stainless steel is sparkling! I have tried my fair share of stainless steel cleaners and while there are some decent ones out there, I haven’t had anywhere near the results as I do by using TWO – that’s it – simple items that you probably already have! White distilled vinegar, and olive oil. Yup, that’s all you need to get sparkly and shiny stainless steel. Note: If you have stuck on gunk, you might want to take some hot water and a soft towel to it first to loosen the sticky and stuck on gunk. I do recommend testing an inconspicuous spot on your appliance, but I’ve never had an issue with various brands of stainless steel appliances

To clean stainless steel:

1. Use a paper towel or soft towel/rag to apply vinegar to your appliance. Kind of like you’re washing the appliance with it. Pro Tip: Go with the grain of your stainless steel (if you look closely, you’ll see if it runs horizontal or vertical)

2. Let the vinegar sit for a few minutes, then wipe it dry with another paper towel/soft rag – things will look a little streaky at this point

3. Apply a small amount of olive oil to a paper towel/soft rag (not the same one you used for the vinegar) and wipe it on your appliance – again, with the grain. Pro Tip: A little olive oil goes a long way. I may only use a 1/2 – 1 tbsp amount for my entire fridge. If you use too much, it will run after time. Don’t worry if this happens, simply take a towel and wipe off the excess

Let me know in the comments how this worked for you!!

June 8, 2020 – Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer

One word – AMAZING! Two words – GAME CHANGER! I LOVE this product. This is probably my favorite beauty hack. If you’re anything like me and could never figure out how to give yourself a blowout with a regular blow dryer and a round brush, know you’re not alone. However, with this bad boy (or girl ๐Ÿ˜œ), I feel like a completely new woman. I have long hair that is kinky curly (especially in the root area) and this is the only tool I’ve ever used that has gotten my hair completely straight with a ton of volume! I’ve had mine now for a little over 6 months and will never turn back. I haven’t used my regular blow dryer or hair straightener since DECEMBER!!!!!! You can get yours here!

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